About us

Welcome to our travel stories and everything else you might find here.

We go by the nicknames Siili and Panda. Siili is Finnish and means hedgehog and Panda… well panda is just panda. Those nicknames accompany us since we met 2013 in Finland.

Panda is originally from Germany and Siili from Slovakia. 2013/14 we both studied a year in Joensuu, Finland. Meeting there resulted in a classical Erasmus love story that lasted even though it involved a lot of distance. We used the distance as a reason to travel and explore different parts of the world together.

2020 was the year to also get married and start a family. So “we” is now not anymore only Siili and Panda, but also little Lentil.

In this blog you can read about our travels. We hope to inspire you or even help you out with one or two things we learned on the way. Our means of travel is preferably bicycle, so most of our stories are rolling around that.